
ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen 2 test with MacBook Air 2018 ( Intel CPU)

  Today is my MacBook air 2018 the last day, due to the intel cpu performance is bad. so I decide to sell it and wait the real ARM MacBook. Some one will buy my old one. I will wait the really MacBook. My understand is  currently M1 MacBook, that is not really for ARM design, the new MacBook should more thinner and lighter.  Since I also received the ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen 2. Before I sell it out, so I decide test it on my MacBook air(?) Open it up, with 135W power and one Thunderbolt  cable Open the ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen 2, it has a 135W power adapter, if you want use the higher power adapter, you have to plug another hole. Do not plug on 170/230w port Connected with MacBook Air, It  works without any setting. Check the monitor to see if it really 4k with 60hz. Yes, it's success  So, ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen 2 can compatible with Intel MacBook. If you want to buy it you can consider to buy this one 

Asus VG289Q unboxing and experience

Asus VG289Q unboxing and experience Since the Samsung M7 screen, the problem of the viewing angle of the VA panel has been very low, so I was thinking about buying another ISP panel. It just happened that my best friend also had a group of creative panels APC u28p2u, which has been dissatisfied. But AOC's ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah VG289Q The PCHOME subscript, plus the PI wallet has a 5% discount. Although it is expensive, I think it's okay. However, I didn't cheat the lowest price of NT8800 at all, and only fought for 8900. Damn it. After opening, even the bracket is installed for you, basically no brains. I like this design There is no Display port cable when I open it, damn it ! My PC is intel CPU gen 7, it only can use display port to support 4k 60hz, So I bought a another Display port cable After the startup, the screen is great, but the windows default font is bad. SO I change  chromium to other free fonts of Google Noto. It’s much more comfortable to change ...

Samsung 32吋 smart monitor M7 開箱| LS32AM700UCXZW

Samsung  32吋 smart monitor M7  開箱 其實想要買4k 螢幕很久了,但始終沒找到自己喜歡的螢幕,LG 也不是沒考慮,但是看到四邊紅角的災情,加上當時後NB對4k的支援並不併完整,當時候的顯示卡並不夠力 ,就一直沒買。 沒想到原本的CCFL 螢幕壞掉了,因此就開始物色螢幕,沒想到看到三星發表了這款螢幕,支援Netflex airplay miracast ubs-c  還有RDP 功能,天啊這根本就是我夢想中的組合,從一月開始就一直搜尋,但都沒看到網路上有銷售的消息, 1/23號看到官網有預購,就馬上下單了,也如期了在1/29 號過來,但說實在習慣24小時購物後,晚來個幾天內心都覺得好煎熬阿。 很大盒的盒子 附上遙控器、說明書跟腳架 研究了一下,還挺難拿出來的,盒子的拆封的設計不是很方便 說明書是說先把螢幕拉出一個角度,然後安裝腳架,另外腳架需要透過起子上鎖 底座也是需要透過起子上鎖,也不是太方便,不過也只有一次功夫 組好了 測試Airplay,挺爽的 透過內建的RDP來遠端連線windows主機,挺方便的但是還是有點延遲,算堪用 Youtube Netflex 也沒問題 快速總結:挺方便的Smart Monitor ,但有以下缺點 1.Airplay,RDP 其實都有點延遲,可能要真正取代有線連接還是有點不足,但對於應急或者臨時工作的處理還蠻方便的,不過就是需要另外外接鍵盤就是了。這電視有支援藍芽鍵盤,這點倒是挺方便的,我新買的藍芽小紅點鍵盤接了就連上了。 另外的缺點是愛奇藝沒有APP的支援,老婆要追劇只能透過Airplay 去播放,而不能直接用愛奇藝去選台。 最重要的是螢幕亮度只有250 ,如果再比較亮的地方想要當電視看是比較吃力的,但當螢幕這亮度倒是OK。加上不知道是不是VA面板或者背光模組的問題,螢幕正面看起來是最舒服的,稍微側面一點,其實就有點反光或者色偏,看電視上可能還好,但看電腦字體上面就比較沒那麼舒服。感覺有點白霧感(泛白現象)。這對我一天要工作10個小時以上的的人非常的受不了壓,誰會隨時都正著頭在看螢幕?不知道是不是偏光模組或背光模組cost down 的原因,我家的SONY 一樣是VA 面板,但怎樣看字體都一樣清晰。 除了這些缺點萬,對於12900這樣有4k 螢幕加上Smart TV 跟USB...

Belkin BOOST↑CHARGE™ 無線充電板 10w 開箱

  Belkin BOOST↑CHARGE™ 無線充電板 10W CP 值挺高的,990 還含18W 充電頭。 原本有考慮Megasafe 但1190+ 600 就要1790 了。反正無線充電放在公司,一般也不會用到完全沒電,也沒什麼需要充太快。原本7.5W 的QI 充電,我也覺得效果不錯了 附上18W 帝聞的充電頭

破解網站龜速下載圖片( Lazy loading),加速網頁圖片下載速度

越來越多網站會使用 Lazy loading,尤其是在圖片很多的網站,網站為了省流量,只有在下拉到一定的畫面才會開始載入圖片,這造成了閱讀網站時候,還要等待圖片下載。尤其在圖片特多的網站感覺起來實在不怎麼痛快(如恐龍小妹開箱文??) 大家可以去安裝這個擴充套件,她可以自動化讀取圖片 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/load-lazyload-images/llenpijlflekljkpjnbnmkfeakfmlcmb 說明 Load lazyload images automatically. Lazy Load Images is a Google Chrome extension which will load lazyload images automatically. Currently we support two types of lazyload plugins: * Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery * LazyloadImages (YUI) 除了網站圖片會透過jQuery 外掛來,現在連瀏覽器都內建了這樣的功能,所以不只要要關閉JavaScript 的Lazy loading 也需要關閉瀏覽器內建的Lazy loading 關閉的 方法如下 1.輸入chrome://flags  2.搜尋 lazy  3.將下面選項都關閉 最後就可以爽快的看恐龍小妹開箱(誤)