VMWare, Virtual PC, Parallels, VirtualBox 各家虛擬機器效能比較
最近跟公司申請了一台新電腦,在思考要安裝什麼虛擬機器比較好,上網找了一下資料,VMWare果然大獲全勝,自己就VMWare跟Vistaul PC 實際上跑起了的感覺VMWare真的快很多。下面的資料供大家參考。 http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?p=967967 =========================== VMWare has best all-around performance (no surprise). Virtual PC has worst CPU performance. VirtualBox has solid all-around VM performance, but had the most bugs on my system. (There are lots of people with no problems using WinXP as a guest on Windows or Linux.) Parallels has worst RAM performance. ===========================